Thursday, November 19, 2009

Royal Bank, TD and BMO cut rates for fixed-rate residential mortgages

November 18, 2009
TORONTO - Several of Canada's big banks said Wednesday they would cut their posted rates for fixed-rate mortgages by up to 0.25 percentage points.
The Royal Bank (TSX:RY) cut its rates for one, two and three-year closed mortgages by 0.20 percentage points, effective Thursday.
Canada's largest bank cut is posted five-year closed rate by 0.15 percentage points to 5.59 per cent, while its special five-year closed rate was cut by the same amounted to 4.29 per cent.
Bank of Montreal (TSX:BMO) cut nearly all of its posted fixed rates including its one and 10-year fixed rates by 0.25 percentage points. The bank's five-year rate was dropped by 0.19 percentage points to 5.59 per cent.
BMO offered a special five-year fixed rate of 4.29 per cent, down 0.19 percentage points.
TD Bank (TSX:TD) cut its five-year closed rate, lowering it by 0.15 percentage points to 5.63 per cent, effective Thursday.
The changes reflect lower interest rates in the bond market, where banks raise money to finance their mortgage lending.
Both banks said their variable closed mortgage rate at prime will remain unchanged.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Luxury housing sales edge higher as purchasers take advantage of buying opportunities in Ontario-Atlantic Canada, says RE/MAX

Mississauga, Ontario (November 3, 2009) - Luxury homes sales continue to accelerate as economic recovery takes hold in major markets in Ontario and Atlantic Canada, according to a report released today by RE/MAX.

The RE/MAX Upper End Report found that momentum is building in St. John's, Saint John, Halifax-Dartmouth, Ottawa, Kingston, Greater Toronto, Hamilton-Burlington, and London as purchasers realize that the best buying period in recent history is about to come to a close. Sales are already on par or ahead of last year's levels in 50 per cent of cities surveyed, while the remaining markets are set to reach 2008 figures by year-end.

"Twelve months of healthy home buying activity have clearly been crammed into five short months," says Michael Polzler, Executive Vice President, RE/MAX Ontario-Atlantic Canada. "It's hard to believe that the transition in the market began in May. We've seen steady upward momentum since that time, with solid year-over-year gains posted each and every month."